Shell scripting week 2 learning: Advanced Concepts & Automation

Shell scripting week 2 learning: Advanced Concepts & Automation

In the second week, I focused on writing more advanced scripts to handle real-world system administration and automation tasks.

1. File & Directory Management

  • Automated file creation, modification, and deletion.

  • Worked with file permissions and ownership.

2. Process & Job Control

  • Learned how to manage background and foreground processes.

  • Used commands like ps, kill, and nohup to handle system tasks.

3. Networking & System Monitoring Scripts

  • Created scripts to check server health and uptime.

  • Automated network diagnostics using ping and netstat.

4. Advanced Shell Scripting Techniques

  • Used awk and sed for text processing.

  • Learned about regular expressions for better pattern matching.

  • Scheduled tasks using cron jobs.

5. Final Hands-on Project: Automating AWS Resource Monitoring

To wrap up the challenge, I improved my AWS script by adding logging and automation features.

New Features Added:

  • Script now logs AWS service availability into a file.

      ## Author : Parthasarathy G
      ## Version : v1.0
      ## Description : Email sending accoriding aws services availability and unavailability
      AWS_SERVICES=("ec2" "s3" "rds")
      SUBJECT="AWS Service Availability Alert"
      check_aws_service() {
          local service=$1
          if aws $service describe-instances &> /dev/null; then
              echo "$(date): AWS $service is available." >> "$LOG_FILE"
              echo "$(date): AWS $service is unavailable!" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$TO_EMAIL"
      for service in "${AWS_SERVICES[@]}"; do
          check_aws_service "$service"
  • Sends email notifications when specific services are down.

## Author : Parthasarathy G
## Version : v1.0
## Description : Email sending when services down

SERVICES=("nginx" "mysql" "apache2")

SUBJECT="Service Down Alert"

check_service() {
    local service=$1
    if ! systemctl is-active --quiet "$service"; then
        echo "Service $service is down!" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$TO_EMAIL"

for service in "${SERVICES[@]}"; do
    check_service "$service"
  • What I Gained from This Project:

  • Understood the importance of logging and monitoring.

  • Learned how to integrate shell scripts with cloud services.

  • Got comfortable with automation techniques for real-world applications.

Final Thoughts

These two weeks have been an exciting learning experience. Shell scripting has proven to be a valuable skill, helping me automate repetitive tasks and improve my overall workflow. The ability to write efficient scripts not only saves time but also helps in managing system resources effectively.

If you're thinking about learning shell scripting, I’d definitely recommend starting with small projects and gradually working your way up to more complex automation tasks. It’s a skill that’s both practical and rewarding!

I’ll continue refining my scripts and exploring more advanced concepts. Stay tuned for more updates!